Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Twitter in the Classroom....

I use twitter in my classroom as a tool to make learning fun and enhance thinking and comprehension! Let’s face it, technology is a huge part of our society and is the focal point of communication among school age children.  With that being said it is imperative that we incorporate their lifestyle in the classroom as much as possible.  I have my students as my followers and trending consist of topics related to content of lesson.  I start the tweets then my students tweet a response. I will share with you pictures from an ELA lesson that I did on “Writing Wednesday” to re-teach and reinforce main ideas and qualities of a good paragraph.  I also use this as a strategy in the area of reading comprehension.  Ex.  I will ask my students to tweet what they think the character would tweet based off the character's actions, emotions, and motives.  Also students can tweet a prediction. Comprehension of conflict & resolution and cause/effect can be enhanced with this tool as well.  I will tweet the conflict and students tweet possible resolutions.  Later we return to the activity to confirm or adjust our possible resolutions (predictions)